Plastic Eco-Friendly Roads in Jamshedpur !!!
Jamshedpur has set an example in recycling for the rest of the country by using plastic waste for road construction.
Plastic waste is one of the most prominent sources of environmental pollution. Making the problem worse is the fact that it is hard to dispose of.
The initiative which started out as a pilot project is now being replicated across the city and so far 48 to 50 kilometers of roads in the city have been constructed using plastic waste.
Plastic bottles, wrappers et al are collected from across the city and brought to 10 collection centres. The waste is then broken down by shredding it to 2mm to 4mm before processing it further.
This initiative was a result of a research started two years back by Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company (JUSCO), a subsidiary of Indian corporate giant TATA.